Sunday, January 1, 2012

Martian Gardens for 01/01/2012

WMUA FM 91.1
Amherst, Mass. 01003
live webcast

Sundays 21:00--24:00 EDT
Host: Max Shea
online playlists: Martian Gardens blog

Program for January 1, 2012

Godfrey Winham: NP (Two Pieces for Computer-Synthesized Sound)
a. NP I
b. NP II

Computer Works [various artists]
realized at the Godfrey Winham Laboratory at Princeton University, 1972

Hideko Kawamoto: Night Ascends from the Ear Like a Butterfly
Sonic Circuits VII [various artists]
Innova Recordings/1999

Morton Subotnick: Butterfly No. 3
Until Spring: Revisited; 4 Butterflies
Mode Records/2011
composition for 4-Channel tape (original mix 1973; new mix 2011)

Morton Subotnick: And the Butterflies Begin to Sing
And the Butterflies Begin to Sing
New World Records/1997
The Amernet String Quartet; double bass: Bleda Elibal; MIDI keyboard: James Tocco; computer program: M. Subotnick; recorded at Corbett Studios, Cincinnati

James Corrêa: Danças & Intermezzi
a. Meta-Funk
b. Mirror of Sand
c. Winter Dance
d. Mirror of Granite
e. Circle of Fire

Plural [Corrêa/Miranda]
piano: Catarina Domenici; electronics: J.Corrêa; recorded at PUC Auditorium, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2002

Ricardo Dal Farra: ...Due Giorni Dopo
Travels of the Spider -- Electroacoustic Music from Argentina [various artists]
Pogus Productions/1998
composed and produced at the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale of Padova's University, Italy, 1988; premiered at Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 1988

John Cage: Excerpt from Voiceless Essay
Ghosts and Monsters
Technology and Personality in Contemporary Music --
Leonardo Music Journal CD Series Volume 8

Electronic Music Foundation/Leonardo Music Journal/1998
vocalizations derived from a recitation of "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" (1849), Henry David Thoreau; composition for for four computer-generated tapes, first performance 11/21/86, San Francisco, with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company (dance: Points in Space); first broadcast BBC2, 7/18/87

Eduardo Reck Miranda: Robotapithecos
Mother Tongue
composed and recorded at Tempo Reale Centre, Italy

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay: Rapports bruit/signal (éclats d’égalité)
Quelques Reflets
empreintes DIGITALes/2011
realized at at the Studio 116C of Ina-GRM, Paris, and the composer's studio, Huddersfield, UK, 2009; premiered at the Salle Olivier Messiaen, Maison de Radio France, 12/06/09

John Bischoff: Override
The Lab 20th Anniversary CD [various artists]
The Lab/2004

Leo Kupper: Sabratrana (from Rezas Populares Do Brasil)
Ways of the Voice
Pogus Productions/1999
mezzo-soprano: Anna Maria Kieffer; bass: Eduardo Janho-Abumrad; electronics: Leo Kupper; recorded in Brussels

Richard Lainhart: Staring at the Moon
Ten Thousand Shades of Blue
XI Records/2001
bowed and struck vibraphone; interactive computer music system; recorded at SUNY Albany Electronic Music Studio and O-Town Media

In memory of Richard Lainhart, February 14, 1953 -- December 30, 2011

Paul Dresher: Chorale Times Two (from Concerto for Violin & Electro-Acoustic Band)
Cage Machine
New Albion Records/2004
violin soloist: David Abel; Electro-Acoustic Band -- keyboard: Phil Aaberg; bassoon: Paul Hanson; electric guitar: Paul Dresher; mallet percussion: Amy Knoles; recorded at the Dresher Ensemble studios, September 1999

Meehan/Perkins Duo: Observations (T. Perich)
Travel Diary
Bridge Records/2011
percussion: Todd Meehan, Douglas Perkins; 1-bit microchip music program: Tristan Perich; recorded at Jones Concert Hall, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, January 2010

Sō Percussion: Drumming, Part Three (S. Reich)
Steve Reich -- Drumming
Cantaloupe Music/2005
recorded at the Hit Factory and Sony Music Studios, New York City, November 2004

Chaya Czernowin: Ina
Afatsim -- Chamber Music
Mode Records/1999
flute soloist and prerecorded flutes: John Fonville; recorded at the University of California, San Diego

Pauline Oliveros/Stuart Dempster/Panaiotis: Nike
Deep Listening
New Albion Records/1989
conch shell, mouthpiece whistling, trombone, voice: Dempster; conch shell, metal pieces, voice: Oliveros; metal pieces, pipes, voice: Panaiotis; recorded in Fort Worden Cistern, Port Townsend, Washington, 1988

Frank Pahl: The Ice House
Music for Architecture

Jin Hi Kim: No World Improvisations
Jin Hi Kim's Sound Universe
Living Tones/2009
komungo: Jin Hi Kim; Senegalese djambey: Mor Thiam; Australian didgeridoo: Adam Plack; double reed, mukhaveena: Joseph Celli; performed at American Music Week, Bonn, Germany


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