Sunday, July 29, 2012

Martian Gardens for July 29, 2012

WMUA FM 91.1
Amherst, Mass. 01003
live webcast

Sundays 21:00--24:00 EDT
Host: Max Shea
online playlists: Martian Gardens blog

Program for July 29, 2012

James Tenney:  Monody
Melody, Ergodicity and Indeterminacy
Mode Records/2007
clarinet: John Anderson; recorded in Amsterdam, 2007 

John Cage: from Freeman Etudes, Book Four
a. Etude 28
b. Etude 29
Freeman Etudes, Books 3 and 4
Mode Records/1994
violin: Irvine Arditti; recorded at Hessischer Rundfunk, September 1993 

Cornelius Dufallo: Prima Volta (John King)
Innova Recordings/2012
violin, electronics: Cornelius Dufallo 

Victoria Jordanova: Sonatina No. 2
a. Parting
b. While Walking
ArpaViva Records/2012
amplified piano, electronics: Victoria Jordanova 

Victoria Jordanova: Beehive (from the Secret Life of Bees)
In a Landscape
ArpaViva Records/2007
electric harp: Victoria Jordanova 

Elaine Barkin: Aria for Harp
Open Space 29 -- Barkin, Czerner, Boretz
Open Space/2012
harp: Ursula Kawasnicka 

Arie Shapira: Jingle
Spring 2012 CD-R
Arie Shapria/2012
flute: Roy Amotz 

Yves Daoust: from Chorals ornés)
a. Mit Fried und Freud fahr' ich dahin
b. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
empreintes DIGITALes/2011
organ: Régis Rousseau; electroacoustic music: Yves Daoust (source: J.S. Bach,  Orgelbüchlein), original poetry (readers/writers): Anouk Bereau, Jacinthe Dompierre, Matthieu Simard, Gaston Miron 

Charlie Morrow: Book of Hours of Catherine of Cleves (excerpt)
XI Records/2011
Camerata Trajectina; recorded at VPRO Hilversum, sound design: Charlie Morrow 

Ingrid Drese: Papillon, abîme, nuit
empreintes DIGITALes/2009
electroacoustic music: Ingrid Drese; realized at the composer's studio, Belgium, 1999, premiered at L’Espace du son - M&R XL Théâtre du Grand Midi, November 17, 1999

Sarah Peebles: Higurashi in Yamanishi
Insect Groove
Cycling '74/2002
computer music: Sarah Peebles

John Oliver: Just Interference
Time is Dust
Earsay Productions/2012
electroacoustic music: John Oliver

Elizabeth Hoffman: Vim
CDCM Computer Music Series Volume 31 [various artists]
Music from CARTAH -- Center for Advanced Research Technology
in the Arts and Humanities, University of Washington
Centaur Records/2001
computer music: Elizabeth Hoffman

Halim Beere: Ur
Measures of Change [various artists]
Electroacoustic Compositions (from) the Experimental Music
Studios of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
School of Music University of Illinois/2011
electroacoustic music: Halim Beere

Steven Ricks: Haiku
Mild Violence
Bridge Records/2008
Tibetan prayer bowls and tam tams: Dominic Donato; electronics: Steven Ricks

Jon Christopher Nelson: Other Terrains
Music from SEAMUS volume 9 [various artists]
percussion: John Colaruotolo, Thomas Dell'Omo, Rich Malloy, Christopher Vigneron; two-channel tape: J.C. Nelson; recorded at the Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia (CEMI), University of North Texas, Denton

Annea Lockwood: Jitterbug (2nd 1/2)
In Our Name
New World Records/2012
zither, psalter, rattle, rainstick, processing: David Behrman; electric guitar, processing: John King; percussion, tape: William Winant

Roger Reynolds: Primitive Music (from The Ivanov Suite)
Electroacoustic Music
New World Records/1993
source percussion: Steven Schick; electroacoustic music: Roger Reynolds

Roger Reynolds: Song (Sanctuary movement III)
Sanctuary (DVD)
Mode Records/2011
percussion: red fish blue fish, directed by Steven Schick; recorded at the National Art Gallery, Washington D.C., with live electronics, recorded in 2007, additional processing at the University of California San Diego, 2008-2009

Iannis Xenakis: Diamorphoses
Electronic Music
Electronic Music Foundation/1997
electronic music: Iannis Xenakis; composed at GRM, Paris, 1957

Paul Burnell: Orange Juice
Deep Wireless 4--Radio Art Compilation (various artists)
New Adventures in Sound Art/2007

-- FIN --

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