Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Martian Gardens, September 23, 2016

Host: Max Shea 
online playlists:
Martian Gardens blog

WXOJ-LP 103.3
Valley Free Radio
Northampton, Mass.
Fridays Noon -- 2:00 p.m. EDT
Webcast date: September 16, 2016

Webcast: Fridays 3:00 a.m. -- 5: a.m. EDT
Webcast date: September 16, 2016

Coming soon: Downloadable Martian Gardens podcast

hour one

Marc Chan: My Wounded Head 3, mm. 1-35
My Wounded Head 3
Mode Records/2016
piano: Robert Haskins; recorded at System II, Brooklyn, November 2011; composition year: 2009; time: 9:27

Olly Wilson: Piano Piece
CDCM Computer Music Series Volume 37 (various artists)
Music from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music TIMARA Studios
Centaur Records/2008
(for prepared piano and stereo tape); prepared piano: Thomas Fosnocht; electronic score realized at the Electronic Music Studio of the Oberlin Conservatory, Oberlin, Ohio; composition year: 1969; time: 11:50

David Lang: selections from Are You Experienced?
a. Adagio (4:04)
b. Adagio Moderato (3:03)
Transformations (various composers)
Bridge Records/2016
(for electric tuba, narrator, and chamber orchestra); tuba: Aaron Tindall; narrator: Steven Stucky; Ithaca College Chamber Orchestra, conductor: Jeffery Meyer; recorded at Ford Hall, Ithaca School of Music, Ithaca, New York, December 13, 2014; total selections time: 7:07

James Mobberley: selections from Icarus Wept
a. Eleven Feet from the Sun (6:29)
b. Climbing the Blue Staircase (3:51)
Music of James Mobberley
trumpet: Keith Benjamin; fixed media: James Mobberley; composition years: 1995-1997; total selections time: 9:20

Philip Mantione: Track 3
Scattered Music/2003
field recordings from New York City, computer-generated noise, samples: Philip Mantione; total time: 4:24

Chris Cutler: Atlanta
ReR Megacorp/2002
electrified drum kit: Chris Cutler; recorded at PLACE, April 10, 2001; time: 3:55

Joseph Bertolozzi: Glass Floor Rhythms
Tower Music
Bertolozzi Plays the Eiffel Tower
Innova Recordings/2015
percussion, samples: Joseph Bertolozzi (samples from The Audio Library of the Eiffel Tower, Paris), composition year: 2014; time: 2:45

hour two

In memoriam Don Buchla, April 18, 1937 -- September 16, 2016

David Rosenboom: In the Beginning I: (Electronic)
In The Beginning [1978-1981]
New World Records/2012
David Rosenboom: Buchla & Associates 300 Series Electric Music Box; recorded at the Music Gallery, Toronto, January 19, 1979; composition year: 1978; time: 23:48

Pauline Oliveros: Beautiful Soop
Alien Bog/Beautiful Soop
Pogus Productions/1997
recorded at the San Francisco Tape Music Center, Mills College, 1966, using the Buchla Box 100 synthesizer and tape delay system; time: 27:49

-- FIN --

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